

Program degree
  • Programme Code: 30026
  • Test Code: 05429
  • Faculty: Medicine and Psychology
  • Department: PSICOLOGIA
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Degree Code: L-24
  • Degree: Bachelors
  • Admission Procedure: Admission Test (S)
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  • Test sign-up opening: 17/07/2018
  • Test sign-up closing: 22/08/2018
  • Date of test: 03/09/2018
  • Publication of test sites: 31/08/2018
  • Rankings publication: 10/09/2018
  • Matriculation deadline: 17/09/2018
  • First Runner-up: 21/09/2018
  • Enrolment First Runner-up: 26/09/2018
  • Second Runner-up: 01/10/2018
  • Enrolment Second Runner-up: 05/10/2018
  • Third Runner-up: 10/10/2018
  • Enrolment Third Runner-up: 15/10/2018


Program degree
  • Programme Code: 30026
  • Test Code: 05429
  • Faculty: Medicine and Psychology
  • Department: PSICOLOGIA
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Degree Code: L-24
  • Degree: Bachelors
  • Admission Procedure: Admission Test (S)
Read the Call
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Signin up
  • Test sign-up opening: 17/07/2018
  • Test sign-up closing: 22/08/2018
  • Date of test: 03/09/2018
  • Publication of test sites: 31/08/2018
  • Rankings publication: 10/09/2018
  • Matriculation deadline: 17/09/2018
  • First Runner-up: 21/09/2018
  • Enrolment First Runner-up: 26/09/2018
  • Second Runner-up: 01/10/2018
  • Enrolment Second Runner-up: 05/10/2018
  • Third Runner-up: 10/10/2018
  • Enrolment Third Runner-up: 15/10/2018


Program degree
  • Programme Code: 30026
  • Test Code: 05429
  • Faculty: Medicine and Psychology
  • Department: PSICOLOGIA
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Degree Code: L-24
  • Degree: Bachelors
  • Admission Procedure: Admission Test (S)
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Candidates must have a high school diploma or another degree earned abroad and recognised as equivalent in accordance with the current laws.

In order to be enrolled, they have to pass an admission test (psychometric and aptitude test) aimed at verifying the initial competences that are essential to continue in this type of studies.

These are general competences in the following areas:

Text understanding

Mathematical and logical reasoning



The test contains 75 multiple choice questions, divided as follows: 22 for Logical reasoning, 20 for Mathematical reasoning, 15 for Text understanding, 10 for English, and 8 for Biology.

For specific examples of questions related to the mentioned areas, please see the link “syllabus” on the right.

In order to pass the test, candidates do not need to have a specific preparation on any psychological areas: in fact, Text understanding and Logical-mathematical reasoning are not specific disciplines, but are aimed at verifying general competences useful to continue one's university studies.

The requirements for English and Biology, too, that can seem specific disciplines, are based on the contents of any high school programme.

Indeed, the questions on Biology are presented in the form of text understanding.

Even a student without a specific preparation in Biology should be able, reading the text, to find the information needed to answer correctly the questions.

The admission test ranking is necessary both to select the candidates admitted to the Study Programme (275) and to choose the students needing supplementary interventions, in other words Additional Learning Requirements (OFA).

More in detail, as for the OFA the following intervention areas are taken into account: 1. Quantitative Area (Mathematical and logical reasoning); 2. Verbal Area (Logical-verbal reasoning and Text understanding); 3. English.

In order to choose the students needing the OFA, are used the percentile ranks of the score for each discipline or sub-test, taking into account only the students who are in the admission ranking.

The OFA interventions are carried out by means of regular courses or e-learning courses; both include a final verification. For a more detailed description of the characteristics of these courses, please consult the specific window (How to Fulfil the OFA).

It is obvious that the students enrolled in one of the Bachelors Degree Programmes in Psychology passed the admission test.

But before starting attending the classes and preparing for exams, they should make sure of not having any Additional Learning Requirement (OFA).

The OFA are regulated by a national law (art. 6 of law 270/04), and in the case of the three-year Degree Programmes in Psychology these OFA concern the areas of Text understanding, Mathematical reasoning, and English.

The students with one or more OFA will be informed by the Educational Affairs Office.

They will have to attend the OFA courses specific of the area (compulsory attendance) and to pass the final verification.

Law establishes that if a student does not fulfil the OFA, he/she cannot enrol in the following academic year.

At the moment, the University has not specified yet the procedures by means of which to apply this prohibition.

Therefore, it can happen that a student can enrol in following years without fulfilling the OFA.

But such a student should know that if the procedure is activated, he/she would pay all the consequences without any possibility to remedy (at that point, it would be too late, because student's breaking the regulations will prove to be voluntary, with all the resulting responsibilities).

The courses for the areas of Logical-mathematical reasoning and Text understanding include 12 two-hour meetings, with a final verification.

The English course consists of 6 three-hour meetings, to be integrated with an online course available on the e-learning platform, and includes up to 50 hours of work.

At the end of the course, there will be a test that takes into account the meetings' contents and the online ones.

The OFA classes should start in January: the calendar and all other details will be adequately brought to the attention of the interested students by the Educational Affairs Office.